Nazi Germany

Nazi Germany started out as a political party called the Nazi party. The Nazi party was founded in 1919. The nazi party was an anti-Jewish political party. The Nazi party was led by Adolf Hitler. One year after the Nazi party was found there were less than 60 members by the end of the war the Nazi party had grown to over 8.5 million. At the time of the Nazi Germany the official colors of Germany were red,black,brown and white. The official symbol of Nazi Germany was the swastika or an eagle carrying the swastika.

Here is Nazi Germany’s national anthem.

Nazi Germany stole the swastika and ruined it because the original swastika stood for love and peace but when germany but since germany used it stands as a sign of evil.

Nazi Germany started with Adolf Hitler being elected to leader of Germany. Adolf Hitler then started to say Jewish people were bad. Then he told the SS to start arresting Jewish people. Then on Nov. 9th of 1933 the night of kristallnacht Jewish shops were broken into windows were smashed. Then the Jewish people were put in to ghettos then they only came out for work but soon they never could come out they were left to starve. Now was the beginning of the Holocaust Jewish people were sent on trains to the camps .

The Nazi party became very powerful and killed over six million jewish people by the end of the war. Schindler saved around ten thousand jewish people. The Nazi party was dissolved in 1945.

This is a picture of a Nazi rally.

Nazi rallies were very important to Nazi germany a single rally could have over ten thousand people at one rally which was a small rally for nazi germany.  A larger rally could have anywhere from one hundred thousand  to five hundred thousand people.  If you live in Germany today it is illegal to have any symbols that stand for Nazi Germany.

  • The days

    November 2010
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